Tuesday 28 July 2015

Stories from the Jumpseat #1: Objections to interracial relationship no roadblock for couple married for 40 years. East Van occupational therapist based in the UK keeps friendships alive despite distance.

Earlier this weekend, luck would have it that my jumpseat was positioned in front of three interesting people: Ashwyn and Kathy who have been married for 40 years and Ritchie, an occupational therapist from East Vancouver who is now based in the UK.

Here's the conversation:

*taxing on runway*

Me: *fastens four point seatbelt* "So! *looks at Ashwyn, Kathy and Ritchie* were you all on vacation in Vancouver?"

Ashwyn: "Yes, our fifth time in Vancouver. We love it here. Prince Rupert, Queen Charlotte Islands.....

Kathy: *smiles and looks up occasionally from her newspaper*

*plane climbs to leveling altitude*

Me: "And you sir?" *looks over at Ritchie*

Ritchie: "My sister got married. I haven't been home to Vancouver for five years!"

Me: "Wow! Sounds like you all had fun here. I wanna hear more.*seatbelt sign turns off * Hang tight, I'll be right back! I'm Clara by the way."

So much for conversing with Ashwyn, Kathy and Ritchie for the duration of the flight. However, I resumed where we all left off just prior to descent into London England. 

*does seatbelt checks and fastens self back to jumpseat after nine hours of inflight service*

Me: *looks at all three passengers* "Well, how did everyone enjoy the flight??"

Ashwyn: "It was definitely a good ending to our anniversary trip!"

Me: *looks at Kathy and Ashwyn* Omg, how long have you guys been married for?

Ashwyn and Kathy: *both looking at each other* It'll be 40 years as of July 9!

Me: *notices Ritchie raising his eyebrows* "WOW, well, how did you two meet?"

Kathy: "In university actually. I was the secretary and Ashwyn was studying for his pharmacology degree."

Me; "oh, a drug dealer, I see!" Legitimate of course! *everyone around vicinity chuckles* So did both of you know you were right for each other from the beginning?"

Kathy: "Well, Clara, I was only 16 when I met Ashwyn and he was 20. So there was an age difference there.

Ashwyn: "Ahem, actually, I had just turned 21 when I met you."

Me: "Oh, that doesn't matter! *waves hands* love is love. Did your parents object to this aspect of the relationship? What did they think?"

Kathy: *looks over at Ashwyn* Well, it was the wrong color, Clara.

Me: *widens eyes* oh my gosh, pardon? *takes me a few seconds to realize what Kathy meant*

Ashwyn: *nods sadly* My parents weren't supportive of us being together. We of course, as you can tell, come from different cultural backgrounds."

Me: "My gosh, I honestly did not even notice. So your parents didn't want you two together because......because of skin colour??

Kathy and Ashwyn: *both nodding and looking at each other* "It was difficult, but we stuck through it."

Me: "Honestly, true love is colour blind. I can't imagine choosing a significant other based on the skin colour we have in common. This is just crazy. I mean, on the list of requirements...skin colour shouldn't even be on the list!!

Ashwyn: "It was difficult Clara. Challenging your parents back in the day to be with the love of your life. Back then you see, there were not alot of interracial relationships.

Me: Well, I'm so glad both of you ended up together. I guess true love does rise to the top doesn't it? :)

Ashwyn and Kathy: *squeezes hands* yeah.

Me: *looks over at Ritchie* What about you? When are you returning to East Van!

Ritchie: "Man, I dunno. I miss my friends big time. They all threw me this bbq on Friday. Man.....I miss Asian food so much. Ate out everyday I was here. Sushi, stir fry, wontons, more sushi...*laughs*

Me: "Well, when do you think you will be back?! "

Ritchie: "Maybe after two more years. I wanna travel Europe a bit more".

Me: *tightens seatbelt as plane touches down* *gives Ritchie a high five from jumpseat* Well, you'll be back. There's so much health care careers in Vancouver.

Well, there you have it, a conversation from my jumpseat. A couple married for 40 years despite parental objections and an East Van boy keeping friendships alive from halfway across the world. 

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