Thursday 30 July 2015

Jordy's Question: Should I become a teacher?

Last week, while away on a flight in London, I received a question from Jordy, a student whom I taught on my first teaching assignment overseas. Although I haven't seen this little girl since she was five, we still keep in touch and she has trusted me to ask for some guidance in regards to the direction of her future career. Enjoy everyone.

Monday, July 27th at 519am:

Hello Clara!

very very sorry if it's late there but I was considering becoming a teacher when I finish school and was wondering if you enjoyed it? Just been thinking about it a lot lately. I think the idea of helping people and being there for them is something that attracts me. Especially because teachers have been significant in my life.

Dear Jordy,

I am very happy that you've reached out to ask me this question. Who better to ask than your former kindergarten teacher? ha!

I did enjoy teaching, especially engaging students in learning through real life experiences and hands on learning. Some of the activities that I've introduced to my students include taking them outside to practice drawing from observation, games in PE where everyone is included and constantly moving and teaching kids how to dance at a young age. My teaching philosophy has always been to help students develop their social and emotional learning in addition to their academic learning. This means that I help them develop skills to express their emotions in healthy ways (journal writing, drawing, squeezing silly putty in their hand instead of punching their neighbor and taking a breather by just getting up and leaving the room).

I have to say, Jordy, that not everyone has been supportive of my philosophies, but they are mine and they have worked with many of my students. It's always heart warming to see my kids smiling and happy and I know they enjoy my open mindedness. If you decide to pursue this path, you too will develop your own teaching philosophies. They are your own and often, are developed over time through reflecting on your teaching practices.

It sounds like the teachers that you have had so far played a BIG role in your life. I'm wondering if a few of the were role models for you too. I'm happy to share with you that my teachers and counselors also influenced me greatly. It is one of the reasons why I became a teacher/counselor and have wanted to do so since age 11.

When it comes to career, my suggestion to you is to do something you love. Something that really *ATTRACTS* you.  You are still very young, so your career choice may change and so they should. Things happen. Your life changes or a major incident happens in your life that helps shapes your career goals. For example, I have a friend who became a police officer after having experienced a personal violation as a child. She wanted to make sure young girls were taught to be assertive and to stand up for themselves when boundaries were crossed.

So Jordy, remember, to stay true to yourself. Your career is your choice. It's not your parents choice (I am not telling you not to listen to your parents, okay?), not your sibling's choice and money has little to do with it. You obviously have to be making some sort of a healthy income but don't go being a doctor just for the money.

To help guide you to your career, continuously ask yourself these exploration questions at every stage of your life. These questions looks at a few things, such as values, interests, skills and the significant others in your life.  Remember, they may change through time.

1. What is important to you?
2. What are your dreams? (They can become a reality)
3. What activities do you like to do?
4. What are you really good at?
5. Do you have a career in mind? If yes, what is it that you like about that specific career?
6. What do you really care about?
7. Who have you spoken to about your career options?
8. What kind of subjects are you interested in? What makes these subjects interesting?
9. What careers/subjects would you like to learn more about?
10. Where do you see yourself in five to ten years in terms of career?
11. What do you like to do in your free time?

I hope this helps Jordy :) Stay in touch.

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