Saturday 24 October 2015

Activities that make kids happy...

It's been two months since I've started my counselling practicum. So far racking up a total of 110 hours with both mentors. David has accepted my eager beaver, keen nature, so much so that he's made a name sign for me outside our office.

We started off the school year with addressing the social and emotional aspects of counselling through reaching out to students by visiting all classes. One of our interactive school community activities was inspired through our classroom visits where we introduced a book called "The Bad Mood" to students.

In the book, the character, 'Badger' was depicted as having a bad mood since the morning, upon awaking from his bed. Later in the story, he is seen working in his garden, one of his favorite activities. Slowly, his bad mood is lifted, presumably because Badger was doing something that he enjoys.

As a result, one of the messages to our target audience was, "What activities make you happy?" or "What do you do to extract yourself from a bad mood?" David and I wanted LOTS of responses and hoped that every student from the entire school would contribute. Here's how we got started:

There were a few responses from teachers....After one week, this is what the board looked like:

We hope that this activity has been a cathartic experience for the kids, teachers and any parent who contributed to this wall. :)

Sunday 4 October 2015

18 Year Old's Dream of Becoming a Journalist Starts with MIT Admission.

On a Sunday in October at the YMCA gym, I meet Lucas B, an 18 year old from Brazil recently admitted into the Journalism program at MIT. Here's our conversation:

Troy: Hay Clara, meet Lucas.

Clara: *relaxes in hot tub and sticks hand out* Hi, I'm Clara.

Lucas: Lucas. I'm from Brazil.

Clara: So, what brings you out here to Canada?

Lucas: Well, I'm here to practice my English before going to Boston.

Clara: Boston?

Lucas: Yes, I will be going to school there.

Clara: Where?? Harvard?? Omg, did you get into HARVARD, holy cow!

Lucas: No no. MIT. I went for a swim test for a swimming scholarship.

Clara: OMG! Congratulations!!! What will you be studying????

Lucas: Journalism. I always liked to write. Be a reporter. Also, I like to say *pretends to hold microphone*, "How are you doing?"

Clara: *laughs out loud* *pretends to hold microphone* "How are you doing Lucas?"


Clara: Well, this is really exciting. Since when did you want to become a journalist?

Lucas: 5 years ago.

Clara: And how old are you now?

Lucas: 18.

Clara: Oh! okay, *does math in head* So, you've wanted to do this since you were 13. That is crazy, omg, congratulations for making your goals come true.

Lucas: THANKS! *pretends to hold microphone* It's my dream. "How are you?" HAHAHAH!

Clara: Well, congratulations. I know what it feels like to go after your goal for a long time. I've been wanting to be a school counselor since I was eleven years old and ain't nobody stopping me.

Lucas: Yes, it does feel good. I am starting in February and I will be here for five months to practice my English. It was good i passed the TOEFL test to get into MIT, Clara.

Clara: Well, this is nuts. Congratulations again. And I'm going to be blogging about you tonight on my website.

Lucas: ABOUT ME??

Well, there you have it everyone. Another motivating story about students working hard and going after their goals. Congratulations Lucas!!!!!!!